Native Gardening Consultancy

Build a vibrant garden...
Grow your confidence as a gardener
Reduce your lawn
Support wildlife with native plants
Become the steward of your land
My Services
This is a great option for prospective native gardeners who "don't know what they don't know." Bring your questions!
An on-site consultation is a quick way to learn about your space, get key questions answered, and start confidently planning for the future.
Even experienced gardeners find it challenging to source native plants. This service helps you get the plants you want, without sacrificing quality or cost.
I am available for in-person and virtual speaking engagements on a variety of topics related to native gardening, ecology, and residential land stewardship.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025 | 5:30-7:30p
Vibrant Happy Hour
10150 Junction Dr, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701
Vibrant Happy Hours is a social hub for native gardeners in and around Laurel. This recurring event helps local native gardeners meet, share knowledge and resources, and even become good friends! Plus Notch 8 is a great local brewery with great food.
Drop in for any amount of time! If you want to let us know you're coming, I've made a Facebook event.