About Jimmy
“A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise.”
― Aldo Leopold

Jimmy Rogers, PMP, CBLP
Native Gardener
Owner, Vibrant Gardening LLC
I've been creating native gardens in Laurel, MD, for a number of years. To me, a successful garden functions for both the people and the wildlife who will enjoy it. This ensures it will always be full of life, or in other words, vibrant.
Most of my professional career has centered on organizing digital projects, and those skills have translated well in the planning, designing, and implementing of garden projects. I'm a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional (CBLP).
Like many others, I was inspired by Doug Tallamy's call to action in Bringing Nature Home. The size of the problem and the simplicity of the solution, gardening for wildlife, set me on a path to make our residential land into habitat again.
We are fortunate to have an amazing native gardening community in Maryland, and I learned much of what I know from other gardeners. I have also learned to listen to ecologists and other experts, and as a result I have learned a great deal about native plants and how they interact with the broader ecosystem.
My Writing
I write a monthly column on native gardening for the Laurel Independent, one of our local print newspapers. My past articles are collected on the publisher's website.
Gardens Project Manager - Laurel for the Patuxent
Here in Laurel, "L4P" is our local ecological group. We're neighbors who know nobody is going to conserve the environment for us, so we need to each do what we can. I manage a number of gardens for the group, including those at the Laurel Museum.
Member - City of Laurel Tree Board
I help advise the city on which trees to plant where, particularly with regards to native trees.
Member - Wild Ones, Greater Baltimore Chapter
An excellent place to learn and enjoy the company of fellow native gardeners.​
Wild Ones Representative - Maryland Native Plant Coalition
I was privileged to work with my fellow coalition members in 2024 on the successful legislative effort to ban the sale of invasive species in Maryland.
MS, Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics
The University of Maryland, College Park
BS, Biology
George Mason University​
Photo of Jimmy taken by Jackelyn Ackley